The BEST Free Make Money Ebook: Make Your Site Sell

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Make Your Site Sell
is the bible of selling on the web. It is the best-selling ebook on internet marketing (with over 100,000 copies sold).

Make Your Site Sell covers the most important steps of selling: finding or developing a great product, building a great web site, and promoting it to attract targeted customers. Beginners will learn everything they've wanted to know about selling online, and experts will find it to be an essential reference manual.

The key concepts described in Make Your Site Sell stemmed from Ken Evoy's early adventure in marketing his own software tool PennyGold back in 1997 (Ken Evoy is the founder and President of PennyGold is a software tool specialized for penny stocks investment. PennyGold is no longer being sold on market today since Ken promised only to sell 1000 copies).
With the outstanding success of PennyGold, Ken Evoy put together what he has learned and packed them into one ebook, "Make Your Site Sell (MYSS)". This ebook described basically all the key techniques and key components to the success of online business.

The ebook Make Your Site Sell is actually much under-priced. The reason that Make Your Site Sell is selling at so low a price is that they use Make Your Site Sell to pre-sell (promote) their core product - "Site Build It". Site Build It fully integrates all major key techniques described in Make Your Site Sell into one single package - a package including "domain registration and web hosting", "marketing tools for your products", "traffic-building tools for your website", and more.

Webmaster BUSINESS Masters Course

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Have you been toying with the idea of setting up a home-based business to sell your Webmastering services? Or are you already running your business but you realize that your weak operational skills will be a detriment to your longterm growth? (You know that, unfortunately, your great design skills can only carry you so far.)
Perhaps you are presently employed full-time/part-time in the field but you want to be your own boss. Maybe you design sites for relatives, friends or associates in your spare time and you are now ready to go beyond your circle of close contacts. Or possibly you have a creative itch that requires a certain amount of independence to scratch it.
Whatever your reason might be...
Webmaster BUSINESS Masters Course covers a range of need-to-know operational topics from developing a comprehensive business plan, to targeted marketing, to designing for your client's success (and yours!), to finding clients, to communicating effectively, to writing winning proposals, to signing profitable contracts. The Webmaster BUSINESS Masters Course will help you get your business up and running smoothly so that you can spend your time and energy on what you know and love to do best -- designing and building successful Web sites for more and more satisfied clients.

Affiliate Masters Course

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Net marketing gurus have lined up to pronounce it as "the perfect affiliate system". This complete, FREE 10-day course focuses 100% on helping you, the affiliate, succeed. It pulls no punches, it holds nothing back. It leads you step by step, day by day through a flawless process...
... from developing a site concept
... to brainstorming hundreds of profitable, related keywords
... to building that themed site full of money-earning keyword-focused content pages
... to attracting targeted, motivated traffic that clicks on your recommendations, and buys from the merchants you represent.

It is the ULTIMATE affiliate-earning resource.

We have just released this revamped-from-the ground-up fourth edition (November 2006). It pushes even further ahead of the curve. It would be a bargain at $100, the single best resource for becoming a successful affiliate. So what's the price of this latest edition?
Still free.
Allan Gardyne, of fame (the #1 affiliate authority), said this about the Affiliate Masters Course...

"I don't know of any report anywhere which does a better job of explaining how to succeed in affiliate marketing - and you don't have to pay a cent for it."

Many of today's super-affiliates credit their start to this course. Follow their example...

Do the Affiliate Masters Course. Graduate as an accomplished affiliate Net marketer, a super-affiliate in the making.

Service Sellers Masters Course

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From landscape designer to cartoon artist, from an accountant with special knowledge of tax havens to a trainer (of just about anything), you can use the Web to build your client base.
The possibilities are endless. And whether your clients are "local" (ex., a fitness trainer) or "global" (someone who indexes books) in nature, the Service Sellers Masters Course shows you how to use the Net to build a client base in a fast, cost-effective way... whether you are starting from scratch or already in business offline.
Service Sellers Masters Course details the process for building a Web site that positions your service for success on the Net. Everything is covered -- from positioning... to building a credible relationships through high-value trust-producing content... to submitting and tracking results at the Search Engines... to publishing an e-zine... to using word-of-mouth "buzz" and lots, lots more.
It's all there. Everything you need to know and do in order to get that all important first phone call or e-mail from a prospective client who wants to learn more about your service and to hire you for the job.
Take this course and build a business... a real service-oriented business online (services are the largest single segment of our economy). Any service seller can benefit immensely from a Web presence. Get the edge on your competition. Learn how to use the power of the Net to leverage your income.

Make Your Net Auction Sell!, The Masters Course


Is there such a thing as a dream business?

What would you think if someone asked you these questions…

  • Do you want to have fun making money by pursuing ideas that excite

  • Are you looking to start a great home-based business, with no capital

    investment and no risk?
  • Want the option of part-time, or full-time, or growing gradually at whatever

    speed you choose? Even build your business to the point where it pays

    for your retirement?
  • Or even build your business during your retirement?
  • Heck, how about something that will clear out the attic, basement or

    closet while you're at it?

Just a fantasy? A few years ago, that might have been the case -- only the "Net-savviest" had a chance. But not anymore.

Make Your Net Auction Sell!, The Masters Course is your one-stop complete guide to building a successful Net Auction business. The approach is unique and powerful -- you will not read this in any other auction book, at any price, anywhere on or off the Net.

Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course

Download it from here

Pricing is risky for any business, but it's even more so for the online small business owner. Your anxious-to-please competitor is only a click away...
Are you leaving money on the table?
Or, even worse, is your price turning away potential customers?
How do you know if that new product or service that you are developing (or are planning to sell) has a reasonably-sized, interested target group? In other words, are there enough people who will pay enough money?...

  • If no, you'll never build a profitable income stream.
  • If yes, what's the perfect price that maximizes that stream?

Is your pricing is up-to-date, reflecting current marketing conditions?
How do you know... how do you know for sure... that you have the right price?
Perfect pricing answers all of the above questions. Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course provides the information and strategies you need to determine the "Perfect Price." The course covers background pricing theory, key business models, target market profiling, the importance of the perceived value of your product or service, and much more... exactly what you need to make a profitable pricing decision.
And best news of all... Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course is itself priced perfectly...
It's free!
No more guessing or relying on a "gut feeling." No more swirling around a bunch of data and pulling out the magic number. No more nagging uncertainty.
You can now price with confidence and sureness (without hiring an expensive consultant!)...
Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course shows you how to maximize profit for both you... and your customers!
Yes, your prospective customers must feel that they will personally profit by buying your product or service. In other words, they must feel that the value you offer equals or exceeds the cost. If they don't, credit cards remain securely tucked away in their wallets.
Bottom line... You must price it right.
With the help of the easy-to-follow Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course, you can price successfully and confidently... on your own!

Netwriting Masters Course

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Want to sell more on the Net? Write better. The power is in your words!
Unfortunately, at least 98% of small business sites start "at the end"... the sale. Great Netwriting is actually far, far more than writing great sales copy.
Before you write to sell, take an order, clear a credit card and ship a product...
You need traffic. PREsold traffic.
And sales copy does not do that.
That is why effective Netwriting is really a two-step process... PREsell, then SELL. And that requires two different kinds of writing...
1) Write to PREsell.
2) Then, and only then, write to SELL.
Now for the good news... you can do this. How? Take he Netwriting Masters Course. It is the only book about Netwriting that covers both PREselling and selling (every other book on Netwriting focuses only on writing to sell -- this itself is a reflection of that "starting-at-the-end" philosophy).
Effective Netwriting (i.e., the kind that generates income) is indeed something that anyone can accomplish. There is nothing magical or complicated about it. And you don't need an English degree or literary genius to do it.
You just need to follow the right process, the correct steps. And that requires you to make the critical offline-to-online business mindshift from "location, location, location" to...
"Information, information, information!"
Surfers on the Net are not looking for you or your business. People search for information, for solutions. So give them what they want. Well before you make your first sale, provide the information (i.e., high value content) that people are searching for, in a way that the Search Engines like. Create content that OVERdelivers what your visitors seek!
Most small businesses fail on the Net because they prepare to sell and collect money, before they have provided what their visitors are searching for... information. These small business owners build a Web site to sell and somehow figure that traffic will just show up and be willing to buy or hire immediately.
Wrong thinking... wrong process... no results! It's like pushing a string. You have to pull instead... pull targeted visitors into your site, PREsell them... then, and only then, sell. Write to deliver what humans want... information. And write for two audiences, the Search Engine spiders and the humans. That's what effective PREselling is all about!
To date, all the attention about writing-for-the-Net focuses on sales copy. Yes, it's important (it can literally triple sales... or destroy all your good efforts if you write terrible sales copy). But sales copy only gets a chance to shine after your PREselling content does its job of building traffic and "warming up" your visitors.
Netwriting Masters Course is the first and only course that shows you how to get the whole process correct...
1) Create the information that your prospective customers want.
2) Attract targeted traffic -- win the Search Engine wars!
3) PREsell your visitors -- build confidence (people buy from those they trust).
4) Convert traffic to dollars -- sell (whatever that may be... hard goods, e-goods, services, even clicks on Google ads).
Join the "Top 3%" on the Net. PREsell with information-packed content, then sell with benefit-focused sales copy, smoothly converting your visitors into customers. This "1-2" power strategy is the core to building traffic and earning income on the Net.
Right thinking... right process... profitable results!

free make money ebook16:Work At Home Moms master course

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download this ebook 100% free
you will read incredible success stories

Four WAHMs, three from the United States and one from the UK, wrote this masters course to help other WAHMs build their own successful online business. It's a practical orientation by WAHMs for WAHMs.

The authors start where moms start. They realistically review potential options and then focus on the nitty-gritty of how to actually build a substantial income online, using SBI!.

The course also includes well-explained case studies, so that moms can see what other moms are doing. This type of encouragement has a huge impact as it helps moms to picture themselves owning their own businesses, too.

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